Top 5 emerging field in Computer Science and Engineering
The intention of Computer Science (CS) is to connect people with intelligent devices for effective communication. The primary focus of Computer Science to connect this planet into a shared workspace where IT (Information Technology) will be the pathfinder of change. So, here are the 5 emerging fields of Computer Science.
Cloud ComputingCloud computing is the on-demand services of IT resources over the Internet in which you can pay-as-you-use their services. Instead of buying, owning, and maintaining physical data centers and servers, you can get in on rent whenever needed. The term Cloud computing describes data centers available to many users over the Internet.
The Cloud Computing market continues to expand year after year because companies are becoming more aware of the cost-saving benefits of utilizing the cloud. Companies can use the cloud service provider’ tools (storage, hardware, servers, and networking components) rather than spending large amounts of capital on equipment. Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, IBM Cloud Services are the top service provider.
How can I learn cloud computing?
Many cloud professionals provide quality learning resources. These resources are helpful for individuals to starting gaining knowledge, those that have been in the industry for a few years, or experienced cloud experts. Some of the Platform provides completely free courses. Some of them offer free trials so you can try the course before you buy it.
Here are some of the best Platform to increase your cloud computing knowledge:
1. Amazon Web Services
2. Udemy
3. Coursera
5. LinkedIn Learning with content
6. Cloud Academy
7. Linux Academy
8. A Cloud Guru
Network architecture The way of organizing network devices and their services, to connect the clients such as Desktops, Laptop, Servers, Smartphones, etc. It also consists of transmission equipment, software and communication protocols, and infrastructure both wired & wireless transmission of data and connectivity between components. The most widely used types of network architecture are peer-to-peer and client/server. Peer-to-peer or P2P is mostly used for file sharing. In a client/server network, several network clients or workstations request resources or services from the network. The communication between two devices that happens through some layers is called the OSI ( Open Systems Interconnection model ) Model.
Here is the list of the 7 OSI Layer:
7. Application layer
6. Presentation layer
5. Session layer
4. Transport layer
3. Network layer
2. Datalink layer
1. Physical layer
A computer network is mainly of four types:
• LAN(Local Area Network)
• PAN(Personal Area Network)
• MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)
• WAN(Wide Area Network)
Big Data The phrase “big data” applies to data that is so large, fast, or complicated that it’s difficult or challenging to process using traditional methods. The act of obtaining and storing large amounts of information for analytics has been around for a long time. But the concept of big data increased momentum in the early 2000s when industry analyst Doug Laney articulated the now-mainstream description of big data as the three V’s:
Volume: Enterprises collect data from a variety of origins, including business transactions, smart (IoT) devices, industrial equipment, videos, text message, social media, bank transactions, and more. In the past, collecting data would have been a problem – but cheaper storage is provided on platforms like data lakes and Hadoop.
Velocity With the increase in the Internet of Things, data streams into businesses at an unparalleled speed and must be handled promptly. Sensors, RFID tags, and smart meters are making the need to deal with these flows of data in near-real-time.
Variety Data appears in many types of format such as structured, unstructured text documents, emails, videos, audios, stock ticker data, and financial transactions.
Computer Graphics managing visual content. Graphics can be three-dimensional design, two-dimensional design, or image processing. Computer graphics is a core technology in digital photography, films, video games, Mobile phones and computer displays, and many specialized applications. Nowadays specialized hardware and software have been developed, with the help of most devices being driven by the computer graphics hardware.
Major subfields in computer graphics might be:
Geometry: ways to represent and process surfaces Animation: ways to represent and manipulate motion
Rendering: algorithms to reproduce light transport
Imaging: image acquisition or image editing
There are two types of computer graphics i.e Rastar & Vector
• Raster Graphics: In this method, pixels are used for an image to be drawn. This type of image is also known as a bitmap image in which a sequence of the image is into smaller pixels. A bitmap means a large number of pixels together. • Vector Graphics: In this method, mathematical formulae are used to form different types of shapes, lines, objects, and so on.
Robotics is an interdisciplinary field that combines computer science and engineering. Robotics includes the designing, construction, operation, and use of robots. The aim of robotics is to design intelligent machines that can help and assist humans. Robotics creates machines that can substitute for humans and replicate human actions. Robots can be utilized in many circumstances and for many purposes, but nowadays many are used in dangerous environments (including inspection of radioactive materials, bomb detection, and deactivation), manufacturing processes, or where humans cannot survive (e.g. in space, underwater, in high temperature, and clean up and containment of hazardous materials and radiation).
Operator Interface A robot must be able to interact with its human controller. The interface is the device of communication between the person and the robot. For example, a joystick of a video game is an interface used to interact with the game.
Mobility or Locomotion: Locomotion is how the robot gets from one place to another & how it moves in its environment. Mobility can be accomplished with wheels, legs, fins, propellers, and much more. Manipulators and Effectors: The parts of the robot that communicate with anything may touch things, pick them up, place them in containers, spray them with paint, and more. Examples include claws, pushers, and mechanical arms and fingers.
Programming is how you communicate with a machine. Some forms of advanced programming allow a robot to learn and modify to changes in its environment. Sensing and Perception: A robot requires information from sensors to know where it is, to go where it requires to go and to avoid obstructions.